What is a (EIN) Federal Employer ID Number?

Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN) is also a FEIN and EIN.

A Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is an identification number used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the administration of tax laws. It is issued either by the Social Security Administration (SSA) or by the IRS. A Social Security number (SSN) is issued by the SSA whereas all other TINs are issued by the IRS.
Taxpayer Identification Numbers:

Social Security Number “SSN”
Employer Identification Number “EIN”
Individual Taxpayer Identification Number “ITIN”
Taxpayer Identification Number for Pending U.S. Adoptions “ATIN”
Preparer Taxpayer Identification Number “PTIN”

If you are looking for a place to verify TINs (EINs and SSNs) try http://www.Realsearch.com use our Tin Reverse to search or 16.8 million strong EIN database and 350 milllion SSN database.

If you just need to verify or locate EINs try our http://www.Feinsearch.com website

RealSearch & FEINSearch.Com: ID Verification & Compliance Data Useful for so many Vital Business Purposes

  • Curb Risk, Protect Your Company & Comply with Laws
  • Locate and Verify TAX ID EIN on vendors, business, clients
  • Screen Vendors, Medical Providers, Employees & Clients
  • Verify information on Account Applications
  • Comply with requirements of the USA Patriot Act and GLB Acts
  • Locate EIN’s to full out Tax Forms and W-9 Tax filings
  • Research and verify credentials on an Entity
  • “Know Your Customer” – get the scoop on who you are dealing with before you get hurt


  • Your searches credit is used when you make a search; not for the viewing of records
  • EIN Search & Training Videos: Improve your match rate by 50% http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elO42fX6UW4&feature=related
  • You may view up to 5 records per search in order to locate the correct Company. For a Fuller Multi Seat Trial call Robin Lahiri @ 800-299-8280  ext 110 or robin@realsearch.com
  • Search Wide &  Broadly by name, by narrow down by State and area
  • Enter first few Characters of company name and look for Auto suggest matches
  • Realize that Businesses move & have name variations. Be open to those.
  • When in doubt run a search by exact name or Broad name and choose from the most likely few matches


Batch Match, API Data Connections, Multi Seat Accounts



No need to run thousands of searches under tight deadlines; send us your Excel Spreadsheet of vendors or companies and we match EIN for you. Send to robin.lahiri@libertydata.net

If after testing out FEINSearch.com you find that you would like us to append or verify batches of account holders or clients, we can process rapidly and match-back, append, or simply verify and append EIN’s and other valuable company details. To contact us for Batch append pricingor other inquiries call 800-299-8280 M-F from 9-5 EST or simply email support@feinsearch.com .


Combined API & Batch Match EIN / SSN Verification PR


FEINSearch.com Announces New AML Compliance Database: EINDatabase Portal for Finding Business TAX ID Numbers


 Tax Season Headache Solver: FEINsearch.Com Database Locates and Uncovers Tax ID Numbers, Tax Liens and IRS Non Profit Status


FEIN Searches Launches Largest USA Private EIN Database


ABOUT US:  Liberty Data, Inc is a Privately owned, Minority / Woman owned enterprise, headquartered in San Juan, Puerto Rico. with 18 Years of experience  in the ID VerificationData Business.

FeinSearch EIN finder

IRS 6050w Causes Payment Processors to Scramble to Verify EINs

Merchant Account Processors have less than 2 months to verify their merchants’ accurate Tax ID Numbers and business entity names before they are forced to levy 28% withholding taxes. The Housing Tax Act of 2008 included the enactment of section 6050W of the Internal Revenue Code which requires merchant account processors to report merchants total gross processing amounts to the Internal Revenue Service. The reporting entity must also provide merchants with a corresponding 1099-K form.

This new requirement includes all processors and merchants, there are no exemptions. Reporting begins in January 2012 and includes all transactions beginning January 2011.

All merchants must provide their processors with their valid tax identification number (TIN) and tax filing name. If a merchant fails to provide the TIN and tax filing name, or there is a discrepancy between the information provided and the information on file with the IRS, the merchant account provider will be required to hold taxes on future transaction funds. The backup withholding is currently 28%.

Merchants must ensure that the TIN and tax filing name provided to their processor matches what is on file with the IRS to avoid any future backup withholding. Payment processors have been busy implementing procedures to complete the process and are concerned about merchant’s who fail to comply and are doing everything to assist their clients in getting this TAX information up to date. Some businesses have lost their IRS tax certificate that gave the name of the business and EIN number and are not sure of the exact name or the number of their small business. Many small businesses aren’t required to obtain a EIN number and often use their SSN as their Tax ID number (TIN). If this is the case, the correct business name with the SSN is the owners name not their ‘Doing Business As’ (DBA) name, it is the business owners name.

Payment Processors are spending countless hours and resources contacting their clients to complete the task in time to run accurate 1099Ks before the end of the year.  The IRS will debut the version ‘K’ of the 1099 form this year for all payment processors to send gross income reports out to their merchants. Although the card payment industry has been aware of this new IRS code requirement, it hasn’t been so easy to get into compliance. Pushing or threatening their clients to comply is not good for business. Processors are reluctant to employ harsh tactics with their clients instead many are seeking help to validate and verify EINs with companies like Liberty Data, Inc.  With two web portals; FEINSearch.com and REALSearch.com Liberty data, Inc. and offers businesses tools to access and append their merchant lists against their 16.8 million EINs in their databases. With 18 years’ experience leading the nation in quantity of EINS and SSN, FEINsearch.com offer businesses corporate solutions to solve the 1099K headache.

Not only payment processors face the 1099 and W9 problem. Correct tax IDs are now required on many US government and customs forms. Having no EIN or an incorrect EIN may slow down or delay your transaction. In addition, EINs are required for “Know Your Customer” compliance in the financial industry as well as for compliance with the USA PATRIOT Act.

FEINsearch.com’s EIN locate and verify service quickly and easily locates, and verifies the EIN data businesses require so they can complete their forms accurately. FEINSearch.com offers a number of plans designed to meet every need and budget. Three ways to use the website:

  • Corporate EIN Lookup Plans – Search more than 16.8 Million Federal Employer Tax ID Numbers (FEIN) with your own web portal for single user or multi-use license.
  • EIN Batch-Match Service – have the FEINSearch.com team do the work of accurately append EINs and business data with 24 hours turn around.
  • API Integrated solution – Seamlessly access the EIN database from your own software application with easy XML solution.
fraud detection

Stop eCommerce Fraud with web-FRAUDgate 2.0™

Anti-Internet Fraud API Tool Protects eCommerce bottom line

  • eCommerce is Growing and so is Online Fraud
  • web-FRAUDgate 2.0™ is all-in-one Web Fraud Solution
  • Increase Bottom-line Profits using Technology
  • Reduce Overall Chargebacks
  • Increase Detection of Fraudulent Transactions
  • Reduce the Need for Manual Reviews
  • Reduce Fake Registrations Validating Registrations and leads

While internet sales are growing at a rate of 12% so is internet fraud.  U.S. retail e-commerce sales estimates reached $38.0 billion for the year’s first quarter, which is a 12 percent increase compared to a year ago, according to comsScore Inc.’s latest report released in May 2011.  With eCommerce fraud growing by 20% each year, online companies continue to need internet fraud prevention tools to stop the loss to the fraudsters who make a full time occupation of shopping online. With web-FRAUDgate 2.0™ e-tailers can stop swindlers, and drastically reduce losses to credit card fraud, shipping and reshipping fraud, chargebacks and all types of ‘card not present’ fraud while at the same time verifying prospective leads and new accounts.

Fraudsters typically buy using someone else’s money, and are very competent at making shipped goods difficult to track down. They also reverse Paypal credit card payments, and change shipping instructions after the merchandise has left the warehouse on the way to the ‘verified addresses’. They setup accounts with stolen identities and wreak havoc on an eCommerce merchant account and bottom line. The scams are endless. eCommerce business owners and others who take orders with ‘card not present’ systems, including new accounts and registrations are getting wise to the forewarnings; mismatched billing and shipping addresses, but few have the resources to investigate every suspicious order. The cost to manually review all the suspicious orders is another time-consuming headache for the eCommerce business. With web-FRAUDgate 2.0™ e-tailers have the tool to prevent internet fraud at the time of payment on the Web site. They also can efficiently create e-commerce new accounts, streamlining and verifying on-line registrations and account log-ins.

Every day e-tailers are shipping orders that issuers have confirmed as fraudulent. Why does this happen? After the credit card issuer authorizes a payment they often quickly contact their card holders – to determine whether a transaction was legitimate or fraudulent. If it was fraudulent, they cancel the card and start recovery process at which time the merchant, who is also the victim of this crime, finds out sometimes 3 or more weeks after the cleared transaction and shipping of the product, via the chargeback process. This is too late to stop the shipment of the product. With web-FRAUDgate 2.0™ e-merchants have the tool to catch this fraud as suspicious before the order is fulfilled, saving time and headaches in the chargeback process.

Forty-two (42%) percent of stolen identity information, regardless of the breach source, is used online. The non-face-to-face nature of eCommerce, combined with speed and remote accessibility, make the Internet an ideal way to test stolen card information without detection, according to the 2010 Data Breach Investigations Report. E-tailers don’t need this report to know that credit card fraud is affecting their profits. They need a solution for preventing internet fraud at an affordable cost.

web-FRAUDgate 2.0™  is easy to install and will increase the bottom-line profit of any eCommerce business by reducing chargebacks, increasing the detection of fraudulent transactions before order fulfillment, thereby reducing the need for extensive manual reviews. This risk management solution will also drastically reduce fake registrations by validated registrations and leads.

Keep manual review with web-FRAUDgate 2.0™ to a minimum through their real-time online fraud detection tools that provide greater visibility into order data, and geolocation information to prevent the acceptance of fraudulent orders.

web-FRAUDgate 2.0™ rates each registration, new order and repeat order in two ways; Simultaneously authenticating identity, at banking level compliance standards, while detecting and filtering fraud scores on each order. web-FRAUDgate 2.0™can match the identity and geolocation with the credit information using a simple API-SML web plug-in that will function in real time. One to two hour install and you are up and running protecting your business gateway saving time and resources.

Now more than ever it is important that every online retailer have a dynamic eCommerce fraud detection and risk prevention system in place so that best practice strategies can help them improve their ROI and position themselves for the growth that is certain for any online business.

How do you retain legitimate sales while preventing fraudulent transactions and reducing internet fraud complaint? Before a transaction is even completed, merchants should have in-house fraud prevention tool like web-FRAUDgate 2.0™  already in place, determining both the location and device identification of your customers as well as their identity.

Take a no-cost test drive with web-FRAUDgate 2.0™ anti-fraud API solution today by calling Robin Lahiri, president of Liberty Data, Inc. at 800-299-8280, ext.110. Basically, the potential for fraud exists anywhere data is entered, kept or transacted. Having web-FRAUDgate 2.0™ anti-fraud solution in place can assist any merchant by providing a secure environment for payment transactions significantly reducing the risk of fraud – protecting both ROI and their business reputation.

3 Simple Tips for more effective searching and verifying EINs on FEINSearch.com

Searching and Verifying EINs on FEINSearch.com ? Here are some tips to help make your searches more productive.

1. Search Wider & Broader > EIN & SSN Search. Limiting to zip code or state may seem like a good idea, but you will reduce your match rate by 70%. Just enter partial business name & state if its a common business name; if a Unique name then search nationwide – partial business name. Rule: never ever search by zip; businesses often move and use alternate legal addresses.

2. Name Variations: Women get married and change their last name. Businesses can have legal names, official name, nicknames, DBA names, Sign Names. Abbreviations, Accronyms, Merger names, Acquired names …. you get the idea. Search under the legal name first, then the DBA name; EIN Data comes from State & Federal Records – so its probably under the Official name, more often than the assumed name ….

3. Corporate Headquarters: sometimes when searching a business at a local address, realize that they could be Corporate Owned and may be using the “Headquarters” EIN Number. WALMART is a great example of this; they are Headquartered in Little Rock, Arkansas – but if you are searching the store in Palm Coast, FL – you may not find it there. Searching for Walmart nationwide would show you dozens of alternate EIN’s for various departments. Select the most appropriate one at the HQ Address.

These Simple tips above should increase your match rate substantially !  Happy Searching !

Reduce Risk, Fraud, and Bogus Registrations with FraudGate 1.0

The automated Business Validation Gateway is designed to separate Consumers from legitimate Businesses, and then validate various business data points to reduce fraud, risk and bogus new account registrations. This Real Time process is accomplished largely by matching and analyzing data points submitted on the registration form, and then validating against several outside premium data sets.

The system takes in Re-gistration Form data, and analyses and cross matches each field entry beginning with the ip address. The system will seamlessly match ip location versus stated location and phone, and then cross match phone to company name and EIN / TIN to the remote EIN Database. Records that pass all these criteria are largely legitimate, with the balance needing some manual authentication before approval.

Business rules will be in place to “score” the validity of the business.  Simply asking for some of this information will move non-business users from requesting a business account to signing up for a consumer account, so the incoming volume will drop.  All others will pass through the rule set and, based on scoring we define, will either auto-validate or pass to agents for manual follow up.  Using the following business rules to validate whether the customer is or is not a valid business will result in roughly 85% of VALID businesses passing through with no manual checks required:

Main User Inputs

  • Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
  • Social Security Number (without this, we may miss small businesses that have few or no employees beyond the owner)
  • Company Name
  • Main Phone Number – Reverse to given . stated Company Name
  • Main Business Address
  • IP Address of user logging into the site matching to stated GEO


  • EIN and TIN matching to company name
  • SSN matching to individual name
  • Main Phone Number matching to phone number listings in national business listings or live Caller ID Database
  • Main Business Address matching to phone and EIN/TIN information
  • IP Address matched using IP Geo-location to ensure that the user is in the area listed and to if the domain is in any way linked to the business

Other optional rules are available, such as matching against Secretary of State Business records, Officer SSN listings, state professional licenses and more. In addition, unlock codes can be sent to direct or cell phone numbers to ensure that the user is able to access the phone number listed.


  • EIN Overall Average = 45%
  • EIN note: EIN is a Maturity Indicator
  • Overall Accuracy Compared to W9 Filings = 84.7%
  • (study by Home Depot Finance Integration Auditors)
  • Medical = 83%
  • Public Companies = 94.2%
  • Established Mature Employers 50+ Employees = 61.2%
  • Small Employers – Under 50 Employees = 38.1%
  • Micro-Business – 10 and Under Employer – Private = 27%
  • Micro-Business via SSN & TIN # by Owner Name = 39%
  • Overall SSN Match Rate on SSN Reverse  = 83%
  • Gap Coverage Areas – Micro-Business, new and un-established, single proprietor, EIN and/or under age 27
  • Overall Fraudulent Application  Reduction = 78%

For more inforamtion please call:
800-229-8280  ext 110
Robin Lahiri, President

FEIN-API Integration – White Paper

Integrate our EIN & SSN Verification data into your applications, website or Corporate Intranet

To seamlessly access 15 million business EIN database from your own software applications FEINSearch.com offers XML-based web service technology that will allow you to integrate real-time EIN data directly into your applications.

FEINsearch.com will provide your IT department with all the necessary documentation and specifications in order for your software application to either locate or verify a Tax ID. Your application retrieves the EIN data from our database in real-time and returns it to your user. Both forward searches (search by company name and address) and reverse searches (search by EIN) are available.

FEIN-API, is a remote processing solution dedicates the processing power necessary to handle any high-volume searches and can be accessed by virtually any computer or mainframe system. With FEIN-API, unnecessary labor costs are eliminated, as searches can be completely automated to provide efficient data retrieval. FEIN-API can also eliminate the need for a large capital investment. It offers the same flexibility and conveniences as an in-house database without the costs associated with additional computer hardware, data acquisition, development and maintenance. API allows software makers to extend the functionality of their software application

Because our API is based on Web services architecture, we are cross-platform compatible. Our objects, features and functions can be added into any software, regardless of whether that software is coded in Java, C++, and PHP, ASP.NET or any other language! Due to the expanding prevalence of Web service support, our objects are easily inserted into your software using standard IDEs for easy dissemination of the available functions.

  • Total interface control.
  • Flexible, customizable search capability.
  • Volume pricing.
  • XML Based non-soap API.

FEIN –API supports following API CALLS.

Search By EIN: This call searches for the EIN Number in the database. It performs an exact match of the EIN.

Search By Phone: This call searches for the Phone Number in the database. It performs an exact match of the Phone number.

Search By Company: This call searches for the Company name in the database. You can also optionally provide a state name and/or a zip code to limit the search only to that particular state or zip code. The API performs an exact match of both the state name and the zip code.

Search Types: This call provides two types of searches:



In case of STARTS_WITH, the search string is matched at the beginning of each company name. Whereas in case of CONTAINS, the search string is matched anywhere in the company name.

Count By Company

This call is similar to Search By Company but it only returns the number of matched records. This call searches for the Company name in the database. You can also optionally provide a state name and/or a zip code to limit the search only to that particular state or zip code. The API performs an exact match of both the state name and the zip code.

Search Types:

This call provides two types of searches:



In case of STARTS_WITH, the search string is matched at the beginning of each company name. Whereas in case of CONTAINS, the search string is matched anywhere in the company name.


Before the correct pricing and application package can be suggested for XML access to our EIN / SSN / TIN Validation Databases, a number of basic questions help us to understand your needs and requirements follow below.  A Corporate representative will be devoted to your account to discuss your solution options and the following questions, to design a solution that adapts to your needs and budget.

1. Anticipated volume of EIN queries per month?

2. Anticipated volume of SSN queries per month?

3. Number of users and seats required for Web access to FEINSearch.com ?

4. Will data be re-sold, re-transmitted or released to 3rd parties? Please describe

5. Use purpose & application: Fraud Prevention, Compliance, Validation for Credit, ID Verification, 1099 / IRS Forms, Govt. Compliance, AML Anti Money Laundering, CIP (Customer Identification Program)

6. Data Security: If data will be stored in house – please provide your IT Security Process and any Certification proof including SAS-70 Certifications

7. Will any 3rd party vendor, contractor, consultant have access to the EIN data or any data provided by FEINSearch.com?

8. Are DVD, CD Rom and USB ports all operating in the data centers?

9. If so what security process protects “walking data”?

10. We process Batches fast and easy for EIN. Do you have a backlog Batch we can process for you?

11. Will small business or larger business be queried for EI ?

12. Are your subjects mid-sized and larger companies ?

13. If small businesses are often the subject of validation or matching needs, we can validate, officer name, State Registration Status, Phone, SSN, IP address and more.

14. In the case of small business – we use SSN of officers.

15. Will usage grow over the months? State anticipated volume

16. Volume Accounts normally require a license fee and an Annual or 3 Year Data License. Are you authorized to make these decisions, or will other Officers be required to approve purchase?

Contact: Robin C. Lahiri
for Pricing, Rates, Options and additional Data Services
